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Home / Articles / Lists / Signs of Elder Abuse

Signs of Elder Abuse

  • By
  • Mar 13, 2016
Signs of Elder Abuse
  • Changes in appetite.
  • Increased need to seek approval or permission.
  • Untreated illness or injury.
  • Flinching or cowering in presence of caregiver.
  • Extreme fearfulness or unusual suspiciousness.
  • Malnourished or dehydrated.
  • Caregiver resisting visitation by others.
  • Onset or presence of depression.
  • Changing wills, policies, powers of attorney, bank accounts to someone else’s gain.
  • Frequent sleepiness or confusion or changes in sleep patterns.
  • Disorderly, uncleanly or unsafe environment.
  • Gradual or abrupt financial deterioration unrelated to basic needs.
  • Pressure marks or sore, open wounds, tooth decay, abrasions, or burns.
  • Stealing or selling household goods or personal possessions.
  • Chronic or unexplained infections.
  • Failing to provide proper, timely nutrition or hydration.
  • Inappropriate or sudden redistribution or assignment of assets.
  • Home lacks basic necessities.
  • Extreme weight loss.
  • Upset, agitated, non-communicative or non-responsive.
  • Identity theft, forging signatures or added names on signature cards.
  • Overmedicating, undermedicating and medication tampering.
  • Inadequate clothing or wearing same clothing.
  • Confinement, desertion or abandonment.
  • Restraint by physical or chemical means.
  • Lack of hygiene, being left dirty or unbathed.
  • Accounting practices which cause loss of supplemental income or assistance.
  • Broken glasses, frames, or other signs of disturbance.
  • Falls, fractures, dislocations or unusual bruising without feasible explanation.
  • Intimidation, humiliation, threats, ridicule and belittling.
  • Exploitation or misuse of personal funds, checking accounts.
  • Bruising or bleeding around breasts, genital or rectal areas.
  • Isolating from friends, family or activities.